Coffee: weekly average consumption

Shows how much coffee cups are consumed on average during a week. Can be used to understand the coffee budget and reveal the consumption patterns on a weekly basis. For example, increased coffee intake may be the effect of a stressful week.

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Water: daily consumption

Studies tell that required water intake is an individualized number, but most people need about four to six cups of plain water each day (1000 - 1500 ml or 34 - 51 fl oz).

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How meditation frequency affects the quality of sleep

Following the paper provided, regular mindfulness exercises improved the quality of sleep for healthy people. Use this Cause product to understand whether your sleep quality benefits from regular meditation sessions.

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How sport frequency affects the quality of sleep

According to the paper provided, regular moderate intensity exercises improved the quality of sleep for healthy people. Use this Cause product to understand whether your sleep benefits from regular exercises.

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Undersleep or oversleep may be the cause of headaches

Sleep disturbance: sleep loss, oversleeping - is an acute headache trigger for migraine and tension-type headache. Track your sleep and headaches to understand if the amount of sleep you get affects the frequency of headache.

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Does Coffee consumption withdrawal affects headache frequency?

The study indicates that drastically reducing coffee consumption throughout the day had a negative effect in the form of increased incidences of headaches that day. If you drink a lot of coffee a day, see if this effect works for you.

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How coffee consumption above recommended affects the quality of night sleep

The FDA recommended dose of caffeine is approximately 4 cups per day. That said, there are studies indicating that coffee consumption negatively affects sleep quality. This product shows a correlation between excessive (above FDA guidelines) coffee consumption and subjective sleep quality. For those who drink coffee regularly and sometimes exceed 4 cups per day.

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